Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The Three C's of Internet Safety
I get questions all the time from parents about how to keep their students safe online. Well, this morning I found an article on the three C's of internet safety. Here's a brief clip. For the whole article, click here.
Parents can easily feel overwhelmed as they grapple with how to make sure that their children get the best experience with digital equipment at home and school, said Marsali Hancock, president of the Internet Keep Safe Coalition.
"The real challenge is that [technology] moves so quickly ... there isn't a way for us as parents to always understand what the current issues are," she said Tuesday at a Capitol Hill event organized by the Entertainment Software Association.
To ensure your child's safety, it's important to follow the three "Cs:" keep current, keep communicating and keep checking, Hancock said.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Jr. High Allnighter
It's back and crazier than ever.
Friday, Oct. 5th we are going to have ridiculously awesome rally at the church and then stay up all night long for swimming, skating, Adventure Park, and much more.
Did I mention that we are giving away prizes such as a Nintendo Wii and an Ipod Nano. You do not want to miss out on this. You don't want your friends to miss out either. Bring a friend and lets pack this place out with Jr. High students.
The theme this year: The Price is Right
You will get to be a part of this game show, so know your prices.
There will also be top notch worship and a great speaker.
Cost: $35
Includes T-shirt, Dinner, All Activities and Breakfast.
Monday, June 25, 2007
On Location
We just wrapped up the second week of our ON Location....Moments with God from around the Globe series. This past week we were in Paris, France. Here is the outline of the message.
ON LOCATION! EIFFEL TOWER - The Structure took thousands of small parts (rivets, nuts, bolts, etc.) to work together in order for it to stand.
The Importance of Strong Connections
Since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs the others (Romans 12:5b).
The Best Way To Build On A Foundation
What Good Are Strong Connections?
Strong connections SUPPORT me
So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing
(1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Strong connections STRENGTHEN me
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken
(Ecclesiastes 4:12).
Strong connections SUSTAIN me
Reliable friends who do what they say are like cool drinks in sweltering heat . . . refreshing! (Proverbs 25:13).
Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character” (1 Corinthians 15:33).
Without strong CONNECTIONS, I’ll probably CRUMBLE!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Mark Your Calendars
Parents, please mark July 8-14 on your calendars. This summer Jr. High Ministries is loading up the buses once again and heading off to an incredible life-changing week at Summer Camp. This year we are heading to Hume Lake Christian Camp. During our time at camp, students have a chance to hangout with their best friends, worship God with amazing worship leaders, study God's Word, and have great conversations with adult leaders and their friends. Everyday there will be free time that will include activities such as paintball, skate park, swimming, bike riding, fishing, and much more. This is one of the greatest activities we offer all year. We strongly encourage all 7th and 8th grade students to attend.
Wanna Go? Call Eric at 559-733-3966 ext 32 or bring in the registration form.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Compassion Child
A few weeks ago, I challenged the students to consider donating $1 a month to help support a child in Haiti. Her name is Fiby Ludia Snaelle Castin. She is 9 years old.
If we gather $32 dollars a month, we will provide food, education, Bible teaching, and much more. If you are a student and have not put in a dollar, I challenge you to do so.
Mothers Day in the Park
Jr. High Survey
This past Sunday I had the students fill out an end of the year anonymous survey. I just wanted to see where the students were spiritually, the things they like or don't like about the JHM and other random questions to help me see what is going on the brain of a Junior high church goer. Here is the survey.
1. I am a male/female:
2. I come to church mainly on Sundays or Wednesdays:
3. I come to church with:
4. How much time do you spend each week:
On the phone:
Watching TV
On the Internet
Playing Video Games
Reading the Bible
Hanging out with Family
5. What’s your favorite:
TV Show
Radio Station
6. I believed Jesus died for my sins: Yes/NO
7. I have accepted Jesus into my life: Yes/NO
8. I have been baptized: Yes/NO
9. One thing I would like to hear a message on:
10. I think the biggest temptation facing JH students is:
11. If I could change one thing about JHM service, it would be:
1. I am a male/female:
2. I come to church mainly on Sundays or Wednesdays:
3. I come to church with:
4. How much time do you spend each week:
On the phone:
Watching TV
On the Internet
Playing Video Games
Reading the Bible
Hanging out with Family
5. What’s your favorite:
TV Show
Radio Station
6. I believed Jesus died for my sins: Yes/NO
7. I have accepted Jesus into my life: Yes/NO
8. I have been baptized: Yes/NO
9. One thing I would like to hear a message on:
10. I think the biggest temptation facing JH students is:
11. If I could change one thing about JHM service, it would be:
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Dealing with Bullies
I think that every students deals with bullying at some point of their scholastic career. Some (like me) have to fend off the bullies, some become bullies themselves. Neither scenario is good. So, these two articles deal with how to talk to your student about being or dealing with a bully. They're from a secular perspective, but they have some good practical advice in them.
Is Your Kid a Bully?
The Book On Bullies
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Strange but True
I just started a three week series on Sunday mornings in JHM called Strange but True.
I am teaching on different stories in the Bible that are weird and probably some that the students have never heard before. Here is the outline from last weeks lesson.
Strange But True
Amazing Moments From God’s Word
Balaam’s Talking Donkey!
The complete story can be found in Numbers 22:1-40
The Story…In A Nutshell:
• The Israelites moved into the promised land and were busy eliminating the other people that lived there.
• This made Balak (king of Moab) very nervous so he hired a fortune teller named Balaam to put a curse in the Israelites.
• Balaam agrees to do it for the right amount of money, even though it was disobeying Gods command.
• On the way to Moab, God tries to get Balaam’s attention by sending an angel to kill him.
• The donkey sees angel, goes off path. Balaam beats donkey.
• Donkey Talks.
• Angel opens Balaam’s eyes and he falls to the ground
• Balaam repents from sinning and says he is going home.
• Angel tells him to keep going, but this time obey God.
• When Balaam shows up to pronounce his curse, he instead pronounces a blessing.
What Can This Possibly Mean To Me?
• 1. When temptation comes your way – Run From It
“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13
Martin Luther once said, “You may not be able to stop a bird from landing on your head, but you don’t have to let it build a nest!”
• 2. When God tries to get your attention – Listen Up
“Then the Lord opened Balaam’s eyes, and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the road with his sword drawn. So he bowed low and fell face down.” Numbers 22:31
• 3. When God tells you something – Just Do It
“Loving God means obeying his commands. And God’s commands are not too hard on us, but for our good.” 1 John 5:3
Thought For The Week:
Are my Eyes Open or is my Mind Closed?
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Adventure Park
Friday, April 20
Meet at Adventure Park in Visalia at 6pm for a night of video games, go karts, bumper boats and miniature golf. Have rides ready to pick students up at 10pm sharp. The cost is $10 at the door. This will include all outdoor activities, a buffet dinner and 15 video game tokens. Laser tag is $5 extra.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Every Scar tells a Story
Here is what we talked about this past Sunday morning.
Every SCAR tells a STORY.
-Not all scars matter. (My scars don’t mean much to you and vice/versa)
-Some SCARS can CHANGE your life.
-There’s someone who has some pretty radical scars and their stories can change your life!
Jesus’ Scars
-Jesus was sentenced to death for “blasphemy”.
(Some thing done or said that shows disrespect for God or sacred things.)
-Crown of thorns meant as an insult.
-Wrists and Feet
-Not to kill, but to keep in place.
-Died of suffocation.
-Usually, they would break the legs.
-Spear in the side = poking with a stick
-Used to see if he was dead.
He used his servant body to carry our sins to the cross so we could be rid of sin, free to live the right way. His wounds became your healing. -1 Peter 2:24
-SIN disqualifies us from being in RELATIONSHIP with God. (Heaven)
-Jesus died to heal that wound!
-What’s the big deal about His death?
Anyone can die for you. That’s not what made what Jesus did a big deal.
It was that he conquered death!
-Jesus has the power to help us overcome the wounds that we suffer everyday, even our biggest wound: DEATH!
-We’ll all spend FOREVER SOMPLACE.
-I don’t know where you’re at in your relationship with God, but you have to own it yourself.
-BIG OPPORTUNITY- Next three weeks!
Thought For the Week:
Jesus’ SCARS tell the best STORIES!
Labels: Weekend Service
Friday, March 30, 2007
Decoding Myspace
A youth pastor friend of mine told me about this article on myspace. It is a social networking site that has grown like crazy in the past couple years. Many Jr. high students have a myspace page of there own. This article will help you understand what it is all about. It comes from the September 18, 2006 issue of U.S. News & World Report. Click on the link below to read the article.
Decoding Myspace
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
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