Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Jr. High Survey

This past Sunday I had the students fill out an end of the year anonymous survey. I just wanted to see where the students were spiritually, the things they like or don't like about the JHM and other random questions to help me see what is going on the brain of a Junior high church goer. Here is the survey.

1. I am a male/female:

2. I come to church mainly on Sundays or Wednesdays:

3. I come to church with:

4. How much time do you spend each week:
On the phone:
Watching TV
On the Internet
Playing Video Games
Reading the Bible
Hanging out with Family

5. What’s your favorite:
TV Show
Radio Station

6. I believed Jesus died for my sins: Yes/NO
7. I have accepted Jesus into my life: Yes/NO
8. I have been baptized: Yes/NO

9. One thing I would like to hear a message on:

10. I think the biggest temptation facing JH students is:

11. If I could change one thing about JHM service, it would be:

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